
By joff

Full circle

Today I have achieved what I had set out to do, one year ago. That was 365 consecutive days of (almost entirely) wildlife/nature images.

It has been very hard work because I'm a bit of a perfectionist and have my own notions of what is 'good enough' for my images. Consequently it has been rather stressful to try and maintain the ridiculous standard that I had set for myself - though I don't regret it as it has forced me to produce acceptable images in the most appalling of conditions at times.

But to give you an idea of how obsessive the need to always try to find a better image in a day - I have taken nearly 40,000 images over the year!!! Yep, maybe a little over the top.

Overall I have enjoyed it and I have enjoyed Blipfoto. The people that I have met in this virtual world are all very lovely folk who have been generous with their stars and hearts and encouraging comments. Thank you to everyone who has liked any of my images. Of course there must be thanks to the Blipfoto team who has managed to keep this amazing site going, both past and present.

I'm not sure what I shall do now - the daily toll has, well, taken its toll a bit and I'm tired. I suspect that I will continue to post the odd blip now and then (unless of course I can't keep away) of images that I was happy to take rather than the many I felt I had to take in order to achieve my goal. Never say never! However I may have a couple of days off or I may not - it all depends on whether I find an image I want to take or not.

So that's it! I will visit but if I miss giving your images stars, please forgive me. Just in case I don't come back - Happy Blipping everyone!!

Oh and why the title - well my very first blip was of a red squirrel :)

Take care  Jon (yep that's my real name)

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