Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Winter Flowering

The daylight hours are lengthening, just a little but enough to be noticeable now (the skies have been clear which helps. Fog is forecast ...)

I walked round the garden to see if there was any sign of the aconites - no. And the miniature irises I planted haven't pushed through yet. 

The only colour is from the buds on the viburnum, whose name I have forgotten. I think it's a bodnantese, and not 'Dawn' ..

It has a wonderful but elusive scent, the weather conditions have to be right, and they weren't today. 

Still, it's a promise of better days to come, I think. And I think 'hope' is the theme for the Tiny Tuesday challenge (thank you PHL).

I have at last finished the purple handspun sweater - it has been many years in the making. And now I must start another project straight away - the eldest wants a sweater for his birthday at the end of this month. I will have to up my knitting speed considerably.

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