Warming Up!

Sunny and cold all day. High was 29 deg F and tonight’s low is going to be 23 deg F. There’s snow in the forecast for end of the week. Very windy last night and it sounded like someone kept pounding on our basement door. I didn’t see anyone but could not sleep until the noise stopped in the early morning. Turns out it was a window screen that had come out of its track on one corner. My youngest called before 6:00 am wanting advice on a new car. The one she recently bought is simply not big enough for her family (as we advised before her purchase). Got up since I was awake, made breakfast, fed the birds and sat down to say morning prayers. Woke up at 11:50 am! Hubby had a telemedicine appt and I made that hearty beef stew for lunch. With the cold temps outside, the house has a chill. Stew was the needed comfort food for the day. The birdies were constant visitors at the feeders; they needed a warm up also. We did a load of laundry, Hubby took down the tree, I made a pumpkin pie and baked a few sweet potatoes. Dinner will be easy. We still have a few decorations to put away. I fed the birds again when Hubby went to get meds and stopped at the grocery store. Very few items on our list were available, the deli was closed and two items rang up higher than the prices on the shelf. He was told too bad, so sad. Their policy is no return of food items (even when he hadn’t left the store). And the “customer service” rep said they couldn’t refund the difference in price. I am sure the manager would have preferred to be home with COVID today. Hubby got the difference in price. I guess my cousin is on new meds since what she was getting in the hospital was not helping her get better. No other updates; 394 new cases reported here today. Hubby is still looking up car data as my daughter finds potential replacements. It will be nice to sit by the fireplace this evening and cozy up with the kitties while we eat a slice of that pie. Thanks for your visit, stars and kind comments. Take care folks. “Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” - Edith Stilwell

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