A really good day despite a bit of rain, which I really don't mind. Spent a lazy crossword puzzle morning with my sister and took these two shots on my way back to Bellevue - some berries along a mossy concrete wall and a big red barge (?) along the Seattle waterfront..
The best part of the day was meeting blipper Tookie this afternoon! Really enjoyed spending time with her and also bringing my mom to meet her. She's such a kind and interesting person who's been active in Blip much longer than I have, and I was so glad to meet in person and compare notes about some of the same places we've lived/had close connections, including Ohio and Oregon as well as Washington. She lives pretty close to my mom so I'll look forward to seeing her again when out to visit. Thanks tookie! First blipmeet, yay!
Learned that I.'s and my flight back to VA was canceled, and rescheduling will result in an extra day here. :-)
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