Just resting

Here's another photo of Sylvie, thwarted in her attempt to claim my chair, staying close and having a doze.  We had a quiet day.  I'm still pretty sick, but realized this evening that I feel a lot better than I did earlier in the day, so perhaps this is coming to an end.

I got a phone call from my nephrologist today; he'd gotten my message about the cancer and called to see how I was doing, learn more about how they'd come to the diagnosis, and find out the timeline for treatment.  I was very pleasantly surprised that he would call and take such an interest, since that rarely happens with doctors these days.

I also talked with Sashie this evening and she gave me a real pep talk about taking on the fight to give myself the best chance to beat this thing.  She also had some good suggestions about where to shop for post-surgery tops, as I've had no luck so far finding them.

Hoping that I'll wake up tomorrow feeling much better.  Our friend brought some Covid self-tests to Lex and Doug, and there is one for me.  Lex has tested clear, but I want to wait a few more days before testing to make sure this is out of my system.  I haven't seen the boys in two weeks and I don't want to miss them again.

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