A reasonably productive day today. A trip into town on the bus, for which I made a quick 20 minute face mask before I went. The bus was like a taxi service for me. I was the only passenger on the journey which passes through 6 other villages on the way. The bus driver thinks people are too scared to use the bus! Stanhope was reasonably quiet too but lots of cars parked along the main street. I had 45 minutes before making the return journey which was plenty of time to post a birthday present, visit the pharmacy and the greengrocer with time to spare. I'd hoped to spend that time in the Lime Gallery choosing some upcoming birthday cards but unfortunately she is only open Wednesday to Saturday and short hours at the moment.
Barry was busy triple glazing the sewing room window when I got home so I took my sewing to the kitchen and traced the girls dress pattern and sorted the fabric for the lining from my stash, which I was pretty certain had some suitable pink fabric that will line the bodices. Lo and behold it did and after a quick iron I established there will be sufficient to do the job.
I made a tofu and chickpea curry for dinner, which was delicious even though I say so myself!
Tomorrow is matting so that will be another good day. I think I'll make biscuits before I go!
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