Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Ku-ring-ai Chase National Park

Mauzee and I had a wonderful day today.  As you can see from the image it was a stunning day weather wise and we took ourselves off to explore the Ku-ring-ai Chase National Park which is located on the opposite side of Pittwater to where we are staying.  The view of Brisbane Water is sensational and we were able to look across to the Barrenjoey Lighthouse at Palm Beach.  A feature of the drive were the majestic Angophora trees along the route and the one I’ve added in extras was just sensational.  It reminded me of the Magic Faraway Tree in Enid Blyton’s novels.  Happy to report their were very few people around and we made sure the masks were on at all times.  
The NSW State Govt have just announced that 53,000 people have registered positive to Covid after using the Rapid Antigen Tests.  That’s a truly frightening number so we’ll be doubling down on where we go and who we see for a few weeks yet I feel. 

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