Robin - 3

I blipped a robin in the garden a few days ago but I much prefer this photograph. Kwdiane was released from lockdown today so we went for a local walk so she could adjust to going outside the confines of the house :)

Some of you will be aware that Chester FC have been caught up in an international border incident. The England/Wales border passes through the ground and a matter that could have been easily resolved with a bit of common sense has become hijacked by self-serving politicians and raised in the Welsh parliament. You would have thought they would have more important things to deal with. 

The whole affair is completely bonkers and as a result Saturday's game has been called off. The Chester board have handled the affair with great dignity which is more than can be said by the politicians and of course it is fuelled by the dregs of the internet and those people expressing faux outrage at something that doesn't concern them. 

The madness surrounding this story resulted in me being interviewed by the New York Times today. Yes, really.  

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