What struck my fancy

By TonyLuxton

A helping hand

I had wanted to reach the Fisher Fleet channel and river at high tide. The access was blocked off by security staff and police "for an incident". So I took a detour round to West Lynn which is the other side of the river Great Ouse.

In the picture you can see a police car, blue light on and some staff. I checked later and there had been a fire at a shellfish processing plant nearby. My attention turned to the right hand trawler which was revving its engines and propellors to no avail and was obviously stuck in the muddy entrance to the Fisher Fleet channel.

When in trouble it's a good idea to phone a friend who duly turned up in his trawler, they slung a cable to link the two boats and together managed to free it. The rusty state of their hulls is noteworthy.

Map and satellite view will help orientate you. The marker is at the boats' location.

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