Advancing Army

We spotted them as we were coming off Spike's Walk. The men in the high viz jackets were advancing in tiers, some carrying handfuls of papers, and were being followed by a daunting number of trucks that bore the legend 'Sonoma Excavating'. It was hard for us to imagine what could possibly be excavated here requiring at least a dozen trucks. We were glad to be on the way out. Or car is parked, ready for a quick getaway behind the man in red, who is either  issuing orders or dancing a jig...hard to tell.

I started over on the throw blanket I was knitting for Dana. I got so carried away by knitting it and so convinced that it would be much bigger when off the needles, that I had done quite a bit before I realized that I was creating something more suitable for Dana's cat than her couch. 

I went to the knit shop to get more wool since I was increasing the size considerably. Prepared to get a second color should they be out of the initial one, I found they had plenty of it, but bought a second color anyway, partly because it liked the color but mostly to make it slightly less boring to work on....anticipating a color change is always exciting....

With the aid of a podcast or two, I was able to evade the endless stories about Covid and all the people who are getting it. I think it would be less catastrophic, and possible more persuasive, if there were more statistics, in the sea of them that most covid stories are awash with, on the vaccination status of those testing positive and the severity of their cases. 

Claire is still testing positive but feeling fine, plans to return to Vassar on Sunday, and is feeling good about her decision.

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