
By JoppaStrand

Portobello Beach Day 220

Three men, plus two in the background, and five canoes prepare to paddle to Inchkeith Island. They were surprisingly vague about tide times and my iPhone tide app came in handy! " We'll aim off and hope to drift in ..."

For the first day in weeks I did not wear gloves. The light breeze was finally back in the west and the procession of planes were coasting in, once again, over their beacon on Inchkeith lining up for the three degree glide slope onto Runway 25.

The tractor was raking up the debris on the beach and presumably the lone wellie boot - its fleeting cameo role now gone with the wrack to ruin!

The bucket and spades were marching beach ward with their excited owners making the best of the penultimate day of the school holiday. Too bad the weather perks up when everyone has to go back to work.

Hope it is like this next Sunday for the Edinburgh Charity Half Marathon with 10000 runners on the promenade!

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