It gets worse before it gets better

The oven cleaning chap was booked to come today, but otherwise it was to be a quiet day. Well I was wrong there!!! 

He brought in his ‘stuff’ and did a superb job. I just nipped in at one point to take this shot.

A phone call from the third member of our conference presentation group lasted about an hour as we haven’t spoken for a couple of years, a call from R to share plans for the next 3 weeks, a visit from the window cleaners and a trip to the village to try to get some lateral flow tests. 

Everything went well except for the tests …….non available since November !!! 

It has been a blue sky day, about 4 degrees, but to our surprise the gritter was out in the village as we returned from our walk this afternoon. 

The sky gave a stunning backdrop to the Red Arrows practicing whilst I stood in the queue outside the pharmacy. 

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