Oyez! Oyez!! Oyez!!!

Was it "meant" I wonder?
Bring out your dead - Tools!  
I was talking to a bloke at the recycling centre and grumbling about the way folk throw out perfectly functional stuff and it's illegal to take it away from the Tip/Skip or wherever it was left.  I wonder if it also applies to fly-tipping?
What started it was the sight of a fully functional "Belly Brace".  
"Take it if you want it, I'm not watching".  On checking a well-known online site I saw a number for sale from about £30 - and uppards.
At about the same time, our local Freegle (Offshoot of Freecycle, whereby hangs a tale) had an item begging for old Tools. Long story Dog-bummed ("Cur-tailed") He collected it yesterday and left literature explaining why.
Old, pensioned off, Tools:-
Report here>>>---------------->https://www.twam.uk/
unless it's verboten; in which case I'll shift it.

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