
By NickyH


So I know I've done shots similar to this many times before, and I know it's therefore a bit repetitive from me, but look at that frost! In April!

It was an early morning shot grabbed just as the sun was hitting the garden. I didn't want to miss the lovely frost before the sunshine melted it, so it was a quick dash outside in pjs, boots and coat with my trusty plastic bag to kneel on (I've been caught out with the frozen, damp pj knees once too often in my quest for a blip) for some good old hands and knees blipping. My neighbours are soooooo lucky (not).

It's finally Saturday (hooray!) and my weekend begins in precisely 2 hours when I finish work. I'm having a break from the norm tonight and am actually *shock horror* going out! Myself, my sister, mum and aunty are all heading out for a bite to eat and a few drinks, and I can't wait. So it's a boys' night in for Matt and H.

Then tomorrow I'm deserting my boys again and meeting the extremely lovely Alison in Manchester for the day.

Talk about a part time wife and mother.... ;-)

Happy weekend you lovely lot!

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