Shopping Mall display

Not a hard choice to make for today's Blip, basically because I took so few photographs today. We spent much of the day in the company of family members, which meant a lot of hanging around until everyone got round to organising themselves into some semblance of a coherent entity. It was so badly organised that we didn't manage to get lunch until 3:45pm. Still, we all got another nice dim-sum lunch out of the ordeal, all the kids got to avoid making human interactions by playing with their favourite electronic toys, and the adults got to chat with each other.

This was taken at a shopping centre, into which my wife, our kids and I decided to spend the rest of the afternoon. Mostly so we feel in charge of our own lives again. I think the 'CIBOYS' in this picture is another attempt to plug collectable Japanese toys to unsuspecting parents. Our kids seemed immune to their charms and treated this display as an obstacle course for climbing and jumping.

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