My Den Be Done...

and it only took me 2.5 days. All my paintings are in bins, most everything is up off the floor, and the floor is half-covered with a new 6 x 8 canvas tarp. (I get messy.)

I've cut way back on having actual covered books (I read on my tablet), but I can't get rid of one of my favorite books...Centennial, by James Michener. It is a great account of United States history, centered in the state of Colorado. I have 7 copies, thinking one day that I would have Shelley (Naturelover) paint a mountain scene on them. 

As you can also see, I also have the mini-series (also great), but it is on VHS, and I don't have a way to play it anymore.

I recommend both the book and the mini-series. 

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