Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


The 1921 census has been released - I’d previously had no luck finding anything on my paternal grandfather, mainly due to the common name but also because he never spoke much about his childhood. I found him straight away, and also some extra details that enabled me to track him back to the 1911 census.

As far as any of us knew, he was one of four siblings, but the census reveals him to be one of eight ( the youngest was born in 1912). What struck me was the column in the 1911 census for “children who have died”. Such a prosaic little phrase to account for such tragedies. It doesn’t bear thinking about. 

That leaves at least 2 siblings I can’t track beyond 1921 - from the four siblings we actually knew of, there are only 3 living descendants, and none of us have any further information - how sad. 

I think it may finally be curtains for Boris. 

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