one day in France

By Frenchtoast

Weeds in the mist!

Not my weeds in this case! Today’s walkies was in thick fog which lasted until midday, and then it was blue sky sunshinyness all afternoon, but still perishing cold.
Actually today’s walk was quite stressful as Elvis’s friend Snap (the blond lab) found an abandoned hip joint from a recently butchered deer, yes the Chasse shot it and cut it up in the field where it fell. 
Elvis was quite interested in what Snap had found but didn’t really know what it was, as he’s never had a fresh bone, just that he liked the smell. Snap’s mummy managed to get it and we all walked on as she put it in the bin where the Chasse put their used cartridges, beer bottles and other rubbish.
Then Elvis came charging out of the bushes with a whole wing of a huge bird, and bone attached! It was surprisingly heavy. Luckily Archie’s mummy had some dog treats handy which Elvis exchanged for his wing, and we wedged it up a tree out of his reach.
No wonder I’m back on the gin tonight! Dry January has become Moist January!

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