New book to read

Isn't it daft there are 4 books in this series, I read book 1 as an ebook on the Library borrow box but no more on there, so got this one book 2 from the library it's self but they don't have book 3 in the library only book 4 !!!
I got fed up with the Michael Connelly one it was a bit slow and boring so took it back. This is more in my line set in a North East Mining Village at the start of WW2 about the girls working in the munitions factory.

cold start when walking the dog, Molly's foot seems a lot better, I have knitted her a sock so she doesn't lick it when the cream is first put on. I will have to blip it.

Just spent the day washing and cleaning and making a veg hot pot for tea which we do every Friday and Friday seems to come round very quickly. It does for 2 days so we have it Friday and Sunday

Happy weekend everyone it seems it's going to be a dry one but frosty start.

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