One step at a time!

By IanO

Rare stomper mouse sighted!

Yes we still have some snow but I was fortunate enough to capture this very rare specimen. We don't see too many of these in North Wales, they're usually found much further South... somewhere exotic like the Brecon Beacons!

For those of you that don't recognise him he is a very fine example of a "Welsh, long-nosed, big-eared, miniature stomper mouse" not too many of these around I can tell you.

Looking somewhat similar to an African elephant, this species is no relation whatsoever and evolved over millennia in the mountains of South Wales (there's lovely boyo).

These shy creatures are known to attack and devour a whole Malteaser when hunger strikes. However left alone they are quite harmless and will happily wallow in a shallow puddle from time to time.

I hope that one day you too are fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of one of these fantastic creatures.

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