Sorting out the winter's problems
Farmer Giles and I went down to the field where the tractors were working after lunch and was it warm! Here is J from Cornwall holding Tess, she had just been riding in the the blue tractor with Tim. This was a test-drive tractor we had been lent for a couple of days from the dealer and Tess definitely preferred our old tractor J was driving as when he put her down she ran across the field alone and tried to jump up the steps on one side and then the other so J took her as a passenger for the rest of the afternoon!
The machine behind is a simba which T has been working over the ground J had cultivated (scratching the surface) to crumble the soil even more for a seed bed. This is the alternative method we have had to adopt instead of ploughing this year.
The ruts in the photograph will disappear when T has gone over them.
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