
By negihime

fortune teller

the day before my aunt told me, "the fortune teller will come tomorrow to look at yours and anh phuc's fortune. it'll just be a family session."

and then today, she told me that the fortune teller will come around 1pm. around 1pm, i came out of my room and saw anh phuc & chi lan getting their fortune told. my aunt told me she'll let me know when it's my turn.

and hour later, i'm wondering why is it taking so long, it must've been a very detailed reading. i came out and saw another couple having their fortune read, i figured it was anh phuc & chi lan's friends. i walked into the kitchen for some tea, and i saw them. a huge group of women. women every where in our living room. at least 15 of them, sitting around in the living room, waiting for the fortune teller.

i got my tea and went back to my room. my aunt came in later and told me that the words got out about the fortune teller and people came flocking. no kidding! people take their forune seriously here!

my aunt came into my room every hour or so to let me know that she'll call me when it's my turn. 8 hours later, she told me to come out, it'll be my turn soon.

i don't plan my life around my fortune, but i do enjoy having my fortune read. i find them very interesting and it's very curious how these strangers just nailed some of the details for my life sometimes. she read my fortunate based on my hair, forehead, eyebrow, nose, lips, chin, palm, and signature. she got a lot of things right, and i'm very intrigued. for the things she predicted, they haven't happened yet so i don't know. lol. but they were interesting to know.

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