Kauri dieback?

After enjoying a midday dinner with daughters and the Auckland grandsons, I relaxed for the afternoon, until it was cooler, and then had a jog. Nearing the top of the hill at Woodlands Park, my attention was caught by a Kotare fleeing from a Tui. Both went into some trees and I got my camera ready. Both went elsewhere immediately.

The trees aren't going anywhere, and one of these two is more likely to fall. I have put a question mark in the title as I don't know if it is a Kauri. The height and straightness of the trunk suggests that it may be. (The other tree certainly looks from a distance to be a healthy Kauri.) 

If the dying tree is a Kauri, it is likely that it has Kauri Dieback. I've copied something about this worrisome infection, for which there remains as yet no treatment.

"Kauri dieback is a plant disease caused by the microscopic soil borne pathogen Phytophthora agathidicida(Pa). Spores from the pathogen infect kauri roots and damage the tissues preventing the uptake of water and nutrients causing tree death. It can kill kauri of any age and location.
Infected trees show a range of symptoms including yellowing or browning of foliage, canopy thinning, branch dieback and base bleeding caused by lesions around the trunk of the tree. These symptoms increase as the tree progresses towards death."

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