Freeze ........

....... it's that weird woman with that camera again!!!

I took quite a few shots today ...... I've had a tough time deciding which shot to post ........ I finally picked this one because I like the dappling effect of the sunshine & shadow on his plumage ....... hope you like it too :-)

I had to backblip yesterday's Between posts ...... do hope you will have a look :-)

I'm beginning to think that Spring might actually have arrived ....... the sun has been shining all day ...... yes all day!!! That horrid cold wind has also gone ...... finally ....... it felt quite warm when I went outside. It is supposed to be nice again tomorrow ....... typical as I will be stuck at home as Hubby will be on a course! Never mind I'll just have to go for a bit of a walk round here ..... or get the jobs done in the garden.

Do hope you are all having a lovely weekend :-)

Thanks so much for dropping by :-)

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