Afternoon Stroll.

A walk without inclines was the brief today as my walking pal is recovering from covid . My friend, Alison, took the photo using my phone and I chose the composition so it’s almost my shot .
We had a lot of catching up to do , a circuit of the reservoir didn’t give us long enough and in retrospect we should have walked around twice instead we stood around for ages and got cold to the bone. She has continued teaching all through the pandemic so it seems abut naff that she was struck down with the virus over the entire Christmas break .
This morning I did a yoga session and then planted out some raspberry canes . It took awhile to sort out a suitable bed and dispose of various bits of stalk and stem from last years “weeds”. I had the pleasant company of a robin whilst I worked and time to ponder on what we actually want from this bit of land. Each new year feels like a new beginning and a time to review the situation. We would like to mange it in a way that maximises food for visiting wildlife , a wildlife service station.
We still have a lot of junk to clear and boundaries to sort .
I need to make a list !

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