
Rebecca looked after O on Saturday where he got quite upset. She thought it was wind but Nat began to worry it was separation anxiety and was a little worried about leaving him with us last night.

His normal routine is bed early, wake around 3-4am for a feed and back down until 8ish.  Of course, last night wasn’t quite that. He woke upset (not sobbing). Nana gave him lots of cuddles, changed his nappy (just wee), tried a bottle. Eventually, I took him downstairs. We sat on the sofa together, no lights on and I didn’t talk . He happily sat there looking around (the moon and street lights giving light). After 10 minutes I put him back to bed (1.30) and he went straight to sleep until 6.30. Like Bex, I felt it was wind by the type of cry. Of course, I’m not his mummy or daddy but he was happy as Larry when he woke this morning and we didn’t have any crying at all all day.

Mr C and I have had a wonderful day with him. Lots of playing, 2 little naps, breakfast, lunch and then a nice walk around Wisley and a play in their play area ~ swings and slide, before dropping him home. It was lovely that Mr C took the day off (he was really looking forward to him staying) and took lots of photos/videos of him. (I took this photo). O has been an absolute delight. Yes, we had a few tears last night but he is a baby and his tears are few and far between….. so far.

Although O didn’t wake until 6.30, I have been awake since 4 and my Fitbit states I had 4.5 hours sleep so I am feeling a little shattered.

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