Sleet pushed the snow volume down

So,this is what the deck looked ,Ike this morning and it still looks about the same. The temperature stayed around freezing and the sun didn’t get very bright so the ice cover did not melt. The driveway is like a skating rink. I don’t even sink in when I walk. The boy that usually shovels the driveway came by and when I saw that he wasn’t able to get around on it either, I decided it would be safer for him to try tomorrow. Maybe the sun will come out bright in the morning. I don’t need anyone breaking a leg out there. The snowplow came through early and by midday the street was down to blacktop but of course they left their usual pile of snow at the edge of the driveway. Just another obstacle to get over. David would always say “ what Mother Nature sent, Mother Nature would take away if you can just be patient”. Patientence is not one of my strong suits.

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