Hebden Bridge, 9am.
Well, this was a pleasant view to start the day, taken from our hotel bedroom in Hebden Bridge. The frost and the light made for a perfect combination.
We were back in Salford in time for me to go to college, and today we were working with modular synths, albeit in the digital domain. The fact they weren't actual, physical machines didn't detract from the pleasure in patching them together and creating sound.
And then in the evening, the Minx and I went out for dinner with my good friend and erstwhile bandmate, John. We ate at James Martin's restaurant, which was excellent, although it was slightly odd to have to walk through a casino to get there.
We had a wonderful evening. John is great company, anyway, but he was at university in Manchester - a city the Minx knows well - so they spent a lot of the evening reminiscing about the scene from thirty years ago, and I enjoyed listening to their stories. After dropping into Corbieres for a while, we ended up in the Lowry Hotel, where John is staying, for a nightcap, before enjoying the walk home up Chapel Street and the Crescent.
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