Three Wooden Geese ... from The Dump

The Mono Monday theme today is Things In Threes - thanks to ApolloFly for hosting.  I decided to blip these 3 small wooden geese. 

I got these geese from " The Dump"  - Waste and Recycling Centre.  Whenever I visit a blip friend in Massachusetts I get rather excited when she says she's off to The Dump.  Not because I enjoy getting rid of rubbish or recycling but I do enjoy having a rummage in a little building on the site.  Visitors to The Dump can put useful items in there that they don't want any more  and anyone can pop in and see if there's anything they fancy taking away - for free.  I've got a few things over the years including this set of three geese.  Originally they were attached to a wooden base but that broke when the cats knocked it over.  But the geese were undamaged so I kept them.  They remind me of happy times with my blip friend.

Today was a sunny day - but really cold.  I ventured out to the village this afternoon when the sun had gone in and it was even colder.  On my way to the shops I met a lady who goes to my Slimming Club and we had a nice chat.  I haven't seen her for ages as these days she just goes to get weighed and doesn't stay afterwards for the meeting.

Some of the shops in the village were closed - a power cut. Luckily  Herons and Tesco were unaffected so I was able to get all I needed.

Steps today - 8,022

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