Mindful Chef
Re-trying this meal box company... as you can see it's very "upmarket" - with price to match!! - this box would have been £67 without the 40% "please come back to us" discount... (Hello Fresh and Gousto are about £30-35). Made lovely salmon risotto for first meal... Best thing is there's no processed cards, it's all healthy stuff like brown rice, quinoa, lentils etc...
Another sale - 2 sales in 2 days doesn't earn me a salary, especially when it's also 2 sales in the last month... but it's a bit of encouragement at least... especially as it's someone who bought from me at a show (Bath & West) re-buying for the first time - repeat business is what I need for a sustainable income - and original 6 bottles upped to 12...
Still waiting to hear about car, trying not to be frustrated, delayed gratification and all that...
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