
Well it wasn't too bad. No wind, no drizzle (they came along later). 

Went to Tesco. Today they will not provide compostable paper bags to put your fruit and veg into. You need to by a 30p plastic mesh bag. Trouble is customers are just chucking onions and lemons and peppers etc into the same bag. When you get to the checkout the assistant has to unpack the bag, group the items, weigh them separately  and repack the bag. It takes ages! Somebody didn't think it through.

Interested to read about Aldi stores that have no checkouts - hundreds of cameras follow you around the store and identify what you stick in your bag then they just send you a bill to your phone. That creates some amazing slight of hand shoplifting opportunities and how does it deal with items purchased by weight?

I don't approve. AI gone too far. Not only is it recording everything you purchase (your loyalty card does that too) but it identifies every item you even look at.) Not right.

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