Place: St Pete Beach, FL 45/60
Main activity: Tues - around the condo
Notes: Full Cancer moon shining brightly in my morning (had been up for hours but this shot was one of the best). Awake in the 3o'clock hour again (ugggh). At some point after writing, did a meditation and was able to doze a little before up for good. Sunny but cold day. Did a little around the condo (packing/organizing), had a short consult with a new healer (saw back issues as me holding the collective fear - wow!), work call with Joe & Michelle on website. Worked for awhile on updates and adding a home page feature to the site. Talked to Al and then after dinner, finalized new rental with Kal. Later, took garbage out and walked back around the long way (north side of building). Right after I got back, a car coming from that direction plowed into the 2 end parked cars near the corner, pushing one of them onto sidewalk, covering more than half of it. Crazy!

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