
By BernardYoung


As you can see,
this can, sold
as part of a multipack,
has had its cold
and shiny interior
candidly exposed.
The Low Calorie Cola Flavoured
Soft Drink with Sweeteners
has long since been imbibed
and the stuff now inside
(how can this be described?)
is some sort of soggy black muck
that has the look
of - raisins? rabbit droppings? caviar?
(Hardly party food! Can you
anticipate its foul flavour?)
But, in its favour,
this can is not a can of worms;
with all revealed
it has nothing to hide,
contains no dark secrets,
and, in all honesty,
is no longer a liquid asset.
What it is
is what it is
and what you see is what you get.

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