Digging In

The children at Belhaven this evening after an early dinner. We tend to walk before dinner and eat later, but with Malcolm home from his adventures pretty tired I thought we'd try the alternative. We got a bonus sunset, but I had to drag them home since they were having a great time and we ended up with a late supper as well! Perhaps that's not the best idea then...

Too much of a good thing?

This is a Hugin stitch of 5 images, cropped, lit and contrasted in Photoshop. Great tools.

We spent the day clearing out the spare room to turn it into our music room. With Duncan's birthday bass and amp on the cards via family contributions, I've put together a little package which lets us have a simple recording studio in the house. Everyone is very excited about making the usual racket and recording it so by late afternoon we had an empty room waiting for the gear to arrive. The music shop called me to check I still wanted the bass and we went through my list. Brilliant, it should all be here in a couple of weeks in time for the big teenage birthday!

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