NZ Autumn 2025

By AndrewNZ

Come and look at the girls!

After having a warning that American Foul Brood (AFB) has been found within two kilometres of my hives and I should inspect them more often so today I took a look.
The hives are in excellent condition and considering I removed thirteen kilograms of honey in late December I was surprised to be struggling to lift the top boxes off. I shall not be taking any honey off till probably March but that'll be decided on inspections if the hives lack room it'll be done earlier.
The main Blip is the Queen running for cover after I had marked her she was not impressed but she is doing extremely well as can be seen in the Extra. I don't always see the Queens if they are not marked and being marked I can tell if they have been superseded.
I was impressed with the number of bees especially in Hive 2 although Hive 1 was not short.

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