By lizzie_birkett

Spring is in the Air - well today anyway!

What a lovely day it has been! 
I bought a couple of gardening magazines yesterday, one for January and one for February. I like buying them at this time of year when they have a list of things to do for that month. There was a step by step guide on how to prune roses.  So now the climbing and bush roses are chopped back and hopefully ready to go forth and multiply my favourite blooms. Ramblers are to be left unpruned - apparently? (I mean rambling roses not the hiking kind! :-D))
Bob came out and chatted over the fence the whole time I was out there which was fine until he started talking about prostates and piles! :-D))

I had an afternoon to myself as Frank was out for the afternoon having a music practice with his pals.

I really enjoyed my first ballet class last night and the tap too. I though I would have sore muscles today but they are fine. Also my headache has completely gone after 6 days. The Dr prescribed Naproxen which really seems to have knocked it on the head - pun intended!

I watched the IndependentSAGE’s latest video today which explains the terms Pandemic, Epidemic and Endemic and why they don’t agree with the government’s plans as they are making out that epidemic or endemic means milder which it doesn’t! It’s quite long but very informative.
They are a group who were part of the the original SAGE group who advise the government but they broke away and formed their own group as the advice they were giving was not being followed.
I will still be wearing my mask!


Looking Forward

What can bring more joy than
When a cold and frosty morning
With the moon still floating high,
Turns into a day of bright blue sky 
And the sun dazzling on window panes
And birds chirruping whilst gathering
Sticks and moss and sheep wool
Now and then swooping down
To fill their beaks with seeds and fruit.
I just had to get out there, so, 
Armed with secateurs and string
I set about chopping dead wood
Pruning the roses and tying them up
To give them the best chance 
To climb and grow new shoots
And come Summer to put out
Their sweet fragrant blooms.

Goodnight Blippers :-)X

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