River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Snowdrops

Heavy rain overnight had cleared and it was a bright and mostly sunny day.
MrD went off to the gym then he walked down to the village post office, then continued walking down one lane across the beach and up our lane!
Temperature around 5°C for most of the day. I had a few walks around the garden and had a half hour of pruning back the remaining clematis which I hadn't done last Spring, it was very pleasant and as a bonus I saw another clump of Snowdrops which seem to be spreading everywhere ... I'm not complaining :-))
This clump of snowdrops is growing amongst Omphalodes verna “Blue eyed Mary” which should be in flower before too long - 
I'd ordered fish and chips for our tea - a large fish and large chips which we shared and was perfect for us both! 
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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