Karin Kroeze photography

By Karin_HK

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panorama made with photosynth
Since Munduk is somewhat 'off the beaten track' I had no internet connection so couldn't upload any pictures...

After the thunderstorms last night the sky was clear again this morning. Although temperatures are lower here then on the coast it still is much warmer than Belgium.

Good news as today we are making a trek through the plantations and tropical forrest around Munduk. We have a fantastic local guide who has shown us around (incl. his family's land). He used to work as a joirnalist for an English newspaper in Denpasar. After the Bali bombing however, the newspaper ceased to exist and he returned to his native Munduk.

Today we have seen cloves, nutmeg, coffee, ginger, lemon grass, bananas, guava, avocado, coconut, pomelo, tangerine, lime and rice as you can see. The soil is so fertile, it rains every day and temperatures don't dip below 20 C - you can grow nearly anything tropical here!

We also met various animals too, the fighting cockerels, frogs, snakes, mosquitos and laba labas (spiders). On our return we found plenty of those in our cottage (the size of a small hand) - EEKS. When they get that big, I get frightened... So do the girls. After tossing, turning and crying they ended up in our bed...

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