Monochrome: Jacob the Snowman and His Ladders

We were well blessed earlier in the week with a 6- to 8-inch snowfall. It was a wet, heavy snow, perfect for making snowmen. I laughed the other day to see that somebody had made a very NICE snowman indeed, and placed it along the road I sometimes walk on.

I stopped to take a few pictures, and the snowman spoke to me. He said his name was Jacob, and these were all his ladders. You might not think a snowman would need a ladder, but you would be WRONG. How else do you expect him to get up onto the roof, and up into the tippy-tops of the tallest trees? HOW!???

The soundtrack is this one: Bruce Hornsby and the Range, from their sophomore effort, Scenes from the Southside, here is Jacob's Ladder.

Well, I'm doing all right
The best that I can
Just another fallen angel
Trying to get through the night

Step by step, one by one
Higher and higher
Step by step, rung by rung
Climbing Jacob's ladder

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