City Of Justice

I came home the other day to find an envelope with a demand that I present myself in the City of Justice in Barcelona to have criminal court papers served on me today at 12.30 pm.  No further explanation was provided which led to a certain consternation and soul searching about what I may have done or not done to be so summoned!   My walk to said city was long and solitary, having insisted to Dd that I would face the music alone.   There are multiple buildings and I ended up on the 5th floor of building I.  The guard asked me if the matter was civil or criminal/penal and I joined the much longer penal queue.   All in front of me looked shocked to the core when they had their papers served on them and I braced myself for the worst.  It took a while for the penal servant to trawl through the pile of papers until he found the bundle with my name on top.  'Here it is!', he exclaimed. 'What is it???', I asked. 'A witness citation to a trial in May relating to a robbery you witnessed in your street a few weeks ago.'  I didn't have any cause to breathe a sigh of relief, but one can't help it in the circumstances.  'Why couldn't you have put that on the summons you left for me?'  'Oh, we can't do that...we need to protect your intimacy in case someone else in the household saw it'.  I know what I would have preferred!!!

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