The Return of El Jefe
My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,
I went to the office today. I was not intending to, but Corrie is taking 2 weeks leave and Sam was supposed to take the lead while she is away but now his wife is sick and so she handed over to me instead.
"The project will be in ruins," I warned. "Things will actually be on fire by the time you get back."
She just laughed.
So I spent a pleasant day with Corrie, as she passed me all the bits of information I will need and she warned me of what was coming up.
And El Jefe was back in the office! He was there to finish up our training room, for which we only just received the proper speakers (he had bogged something temporary up before this).
Unfortunately he was on the 4th floor so we met him at a socially distant distance with masks on. At first.
Later. Eff that. This is stupid. I mean. I also bumped into him at MacDonalds and bought him a MacFlurry. So I helped him vacuum up the mess and then we went for drinks. I had two - just TWO - glasses of pinot noir and felt embarrassingly drunk.
So I left him after an hour or so and wobbled home. Ordered Thai food and then fell drooling asleep on the couch.
I therefore count today as a "win".
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