Some Days

By Euphemist

Corniche d'Or

On the first full day of the holiday we spent the afternoon in Frejus/St Raphael.

I like it bigger.

The weather forecast had led us to believe that it was going to be cloudy, but we enjoyed a beautiful sunny afternoon on the sea-front. We had lunch in one of the many restaurants and Mum, aged 82, tried for the first time and enjoyed Moules Mariniere! She was nearly my blip for this day, but the evening car ride to Cannes and back yielded some beautiful scenes, so it has to be this postcard photo.

You can see the railway line which carries the TGV, the French High speed train, from Paris to Nice.

The Corniche d'Or or the Corniche de l'Esterelle as it is also known, is a great drive. It deserves to be done at speed in a small sports car. I did it slowly in a rented Renault Megane Scenic.

I did it though!

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