NZ Autumn 2025

By AndrewNZ

An expanding town.

New Zealand only has a population of 5 million but is growing and our little town had a head count around 58,000 with always the odd new house going up.
Over the last few years we have started expanding with the usual few houses going up but the Blip shows a site where 1500 houses are being built with some already completed and occupied.
If that wasn't enough heading a little west from this site an application is in for a site of 2000 houses along with this expansion the council are looking to name regions around the town.
I have no problem with this expansion but wonder where all the people are coming from? Infrastructure is also needed I suppose they have priorities as they have but a garage, a pub, a cinema, a cafe and a few shops but no doctor or dentist.

Of course when I'm out looking for Blips I have my faithful friend with me as in the Extra.

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