Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


I told the urchin that a package was arriving for him today but I didn't tell him what.

First an Amazon package arrived and he asked if that was it. We told him no your package is much bigger.

He was so excited when he saw the delivery man with the big box.

I would rather we skipped the stabilisers but he was adamant that he wanted a bike with pedals and stabilisers.

It was a bit of a mission to find a bike small enough that I was happy with. In the end we opted for rental, so we could get a better bike and we can exchange if we need to as he grows (yeah there is the potential you might pay more in the long run, but the returned bikes are serviced and sent back out so does tick the good for the environment box, though we need up with new because they didn't have a used one available, bikes are still in short supply). With the seat right down he is big enough (just).

It's a brand I wasn't previously familiar with but it's a proper made for kids bike rather than lots that tend to be poorly scaled down adult bikes. It's also one of the lightest or possibly it is the lightest (I can't remember now) bikes available. I have been looking at the brand and am now considering one of their electric bikes for me.

He has been experimenting riding in the living room (it's not a big room).

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