Father/ daughter

A early start for the Jedi. 
Then ballet for Harp. After ballet four of us went for a Costa. The Jedi napped through it which was a bonus. 
We went to nana and grandads house earlier than normal as the two bigger wildlings had nana awake at 4am. They had a fantastic time but are absolutely knackered now. So is nana and grandad. They probably had a nap when we left. 

I took Carson, Harp and Xander out for a play at the park when we got back home. The Jedi has another temperature. He seems fine for a week and then gets another wee bug. But at least he had dinner.... Well a few pieces of salami. He is becoming very rigid with foods and textures. He use to be a great eater . Now definitely not. 

All four wildlings are currently in the bath while I upload to blip. The big boys should definitely go down to bed very easily tonight. 

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