
By LifeLines

Pastries and Prickles

The forecast sun didn’t appear and there was a lazy cold wind so we decided a stop at the bakery for a sausage roll and Danish pastry was needed to boost our energy levels. It did and we enjoyed a meander along the shore at Emsworth with over wintering wildfowl and unusual oak woodland - right on the foreshore.

I’d not slept well - a throbbing big toe and Merlin getting me up in the early hours for the 3rd time this week. I’ve booked to see the podiatrist as my toe needs some attention which is beyond what I can do to help it. Unfortunately they don’t have an appointment until Thursday so I am hoping I’ll cope okay until then.

This afternoon consisted of cleaning and pruning the lavender in the front garden - a more prickly affair that I had imagined.

Hoping your day has been a good one.

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