Early Start

It's been a rather exciting Bird Morning! This little Carolina Wren pair showed up determined to begin their nest building. They typically do begin their 'housekeeping' activities around this time of the year. Seems a bit early but I trust that they know what they're doing. When I saw them 'shopping' for a nesting spot, I cleared out the Cuban Tree Frogs that like to overwinter in the bird houses. They're an introduced species that preys on native frogs and they especially love snacking on baby birds. So...gone! 
Just because the wrens are nest building doesn't guarantee that they will raise their family in this one. Although wrens have nested in this nesting jug for many years, they are very picky...so we'll just have to watch and see. In Today's *extras...Spotted this female Indigo Bunting in the front yard, never did see a male. She's probably just passing through on her way to South Florida where she'll spend the winter. 

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