Day out

Mr C booked us tickets to visit the Sebastiao Salgado exhibition at the science museum and Lucy came too. The exhibition, Amazonia, was photographs taken over 7 years of the landscapes and the indigenous people of the Brazilian rainforest. An incredibly enjoyable and interesting couple of hours spent there.

From there we jumped on the tube to Green Park to visit a David Bowie pop up shop in Heddon Street ( just off Regent Street).  It opened in October to celebrate his 75th birthday and closes tomorrow.  Lucy has been a big fan of DB since she was young and Mr C took her to see him in concert during her teens, his last tour I think after his heart attack.  Before we left, Chris Duffy had just turned up to sign books. He is the son of Brian Duffy who took quite a few of the famous DB photos and has written a book about his dad’s photographs. 

We then walked to Covent Garden and managed to grab a table at Masala Zone for some food. We got home about 7.30 after a great day out.

Lots of extras from the exhibition and a collage of the Bowie shop, including a sneaky shot of Chris Duffy.

And better if you go large.

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