
By IrvingFlashman

Things Happened

Something a little exciting happened this afternoon. After attending a talk given by Laura Bates a few weeks ago I wrote up a sort of transcript of it, so that those who were unable to attend, and everyone else, could have a read and join the discusion.

Here is a link to said piece.

This afternoon my Tweeted link to the article was both favourited and retweeted by The Everyday Sexism Project, run by Laura Bates (please check it out). From then on it sort of spread like a slowly burning ember, ending in my gaining several hundred views on my page and a few new Twitter followers (to add to my modest 150). It was a minor event, unnoticeable in anyone else's day but my own. I was incredibly proud of myself that something I had done had been noticed and was hopefully helping people to gain a better understanding of feminist issues and the war on sexism.

Add to that, I went to a pool party for a friend's birthday this evening. Throw in barbecue burgers, slides, a lazy river, jacuzzi's and a wave pool and what more could you want? Of course, walking around in a bikini in front of friends, and people I hardly knew, was a little unnerving since I have almost doubled in size in the past year or so, but I gradually began to not care.
I missed Thomas tonight. I really wanted him there.

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