Bridgewater Canal, Castlefield, Manchester

Sunday 23rd January 2022

After an ecumenical service this afternoon I dashed down to Manchester for a photography workshop. I'd booked it before the time of the service was set and I knew I would be cutting it fine but the service went on longer than I expected and I had to ring to say I would be late. The trouble was it was a photography walk and, as my phone has died, I was worried I might not find them. 

I was 25mins late but thankfully they hadn't gone far. Six photographers with tripods do tend to stand out, even at dusk. So, I had a date with six men I didn't know underneath the railway arches! :-))

I still managed to get 2hrs of photography, based around the canal. It was quite cold so that was enough anyway. A fun evening. 

I do have a photo for yesterday but it was on my phone and hadn't uploaded before my phone died. I did send it on Whatsapp though so I will be able to get it back when I get a new phone. 

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